Kerrie Paints


About Kerrie:

I am a self taught abstract artist with a love of colour. I am originally from the UK, moving to Adelaide, Australia ten years ago and I'm now a proud dual citizen.

In my "day job" I work in the disability sector, working with people with disability who are hoping to find and secure accessible housing. I'm so passionate about people. My other big loves are languages (I speak two others) and culture.

This little venture started for me as a fun self-care activity with a friend, after not really picking up a paintbrush since I studied art in high school. I've been so lucky to see this blossom into a hobby and now hoping to evolve into a wonderful part-time gig for myself.

My art is inspired by anything colourful, flowers, plants, formations in nature, the ocean, landscapes, bright and bold fabrics - anything that brings different colour combinations together. I love to play with colours that might not usually go together and create art which captures the mind. I work predominantly with acrylics and very occasionally other mediums.


Get to know Kerrie